Our dental practice is dedicated to helping our patients maintain their natural teeth. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and comfortable office with all the modern technonlogies needed to offer uncompromising endodontic therapy (nonsurgical or microsurgical root canal treatment that is meant to relieve dental pain, swelling or toothache).
We will be working with your dentist to ensure that your concerns are dealt with in a timely, professional manner. Please browse our website to learn more about us or call us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Our office is conveniently located in the North Shore Business Park right off I-80 or Hwy 4:
500 Alfred Nobel Drive, Suite 205
Hercules, CA 94547
Phone: 510-964-7219 Fax: 510-964-7251
Office Hours: M-F 9-5 pm. Emergency Coverage 24/7
Plenty of free parking available
*We encourage patients to pre-register online to save time*
*For Referring Doctors: Patient Referral Form